Posted on April 25, 2019



SINCE APRIL 3rd, 2018 Thorne Peters has been incarcerated in the prison system of MemphisTennessee.

As he fights for his own rights and OUR rights as a cannabis consumers,  he also fights for prisoners rights from within the walls of the Penal Farm in Memphis. 

May 2, 2019 is the next court date scheduled and will be in Judge Campbell’s Courtroom.  Judge Carter and Judge Lammey are recused from the case.

A very in depth article has been published at “MemphisTruth.Org” in which Thorne Peters ordeal thus far has been featured.  I encourage everyone to view it.

“We are political prisoners.  We are having our rights violated by a prohibition.”

“We are consenting adults in a free society, with free will, committing acts of consensual behavior, that are nobody else’s business.  Yet the Government industrial complex, the legal industrial complex, continue to make it their business.”

*Medical Pot – “Why can’t we all have pot?”

*Decriminalized Pot – Where can I buy some legal decriminalized pot?”

“There is no such thing as a non-violent criminal, all crime is violent”

As written in the U.S. Marijuana Party introduction, “More Americans are in jail today for marijuana offenses than at any previous time in American history.”

These people who are unjustly incarcerated are our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children, cousins, other family members and friends.  They do not deserve to be in a cage for a NON CRIME!  We are NOT CRIMINALS!  We are peaceful, law-abiding and loving Citizens who deserve the right to live in peace.

We must do everything we can to help these individuals fight for their own liberty and OURS!

The war will never be over until each and every one of these people are free and have all their rights restored.

Number of people arrested for a marijuana law violation in 2017: 659,700

Cooper, 38, headed off to continue serving his sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole for conspiracy to sell marijuana.

CAN DO CLEMENCY .COM has many people who have been incarcerated for “Pot” for life sentences.  Please view and share.

Meanwhile, while we wait to be free again …

Please call AMY WEIRICH; D.A., Memphis, TN (901) 222-1300

And also call the Tennessee Governor at (615) 741-2001 and say “investigate THE KINGPIN conspiracy…”


Visit and click the ‘420 NITE CLUB BUST’ and ‘CONSPIRACY’ banners to get the story on the now TEN YEAR CONSPIRACY against THE KINGPIN THORNE PETERS that lead to this moment.

And last but not least, please DONATE to the “Freedom Fund”!

Remember to write to Thorne Peters at: 

1045 Mullins Station Rd., Memphis, TN 38134 RNI# 389985.

Hearing from those who care means everything when you are in 23 and 1 lockdown.

Also remember to support other people who are being incarcerated for Cannabis charges!  Below I have listed a few of them.  Many thanks to Kerry Cannon who forwarded their names to me!

Lance Gloor

 Image may contain: 5 people, including Tracie Gloor-Pike, people smiling

Jimmy Romans

John Knock-life

Diana Marquez

Luke Scarmazzo

Craig Cesal-life

Corvain Cooper-life

Way Long

Michael Pelletier- life

Andy Cox- life

While we wait to see true justice served keep these and all prisoners in your thoughts and prayers daily and every chance you get write a letter or sign a petition or make your feelings about the issue known by  following Activist’s and sharing thru social media ! 

Every little bit helps!




TN Department of Correction

A Perfect Storm : Investigating Tennessee’s Prison System – WSMV Channel 4 I-Team Special

3 Of The Most Insane Marijuana-Related Prison Sentences In American History

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