"…There is NO SUCH THING as a "Good" Pot Law, and that INCLUDES so called "Legalization"…."

Posted on November 19, 2019


daffy duck


6 States Trying to Legalize Recreational Marijuana in 2020

The opinion given here, is a response in comment to the article linked above, and the explanation thereof, are directed to inform everyone of just what “legalization” does…It lies to you!  Total REPEAL of these unlawful Statutes much be ensued to regain our Freedom upon this planet.  It’s not just Cannabis that they are afterIt is total control of everything…They just started with the “Marijuana”!


Chris Ryan

I am totally convinced that the "National Organization for the Retention of Marijuana Legislation" (NORML) has been directed and driven by DEA COINTELPRO Money all along. It is the clearest explanation for why they keep insisting on keeping pot laws alive by demanding "regulations".

Also, most of the corporate pro regulation types are also heavily invested in alcohol or tobacco or big pharma. As a result they try to somehow equate alcohol and tobacco with pot. But this is flawed because pot never killed anyone but alcohol and tobacco have both killed a lot of people.

"…There is NO SUCH THING as a "Good" Pot Law, and that INCLUDES so called "Legalization"…."

Just wait for a couple of years after you have passed your new pot laws, and the statehouse has had a chance to alter and amend and water down your law, and THEN we will see if you still like all the unseen and unpredictable changes that you did not predict or calculate. Then we will see if you STILL think it is a good idea or if you will realize, (As I did ages ago) that there is NO SUCH THING as a "Good" Pot Law, and that you wasted your time with all those signatures and all that lobbying and advertising.

There are many good ideas out there, and almost all of them are overshadowed by other bad ideas. Things like the idea that pot should be treated like alcohol for example. (In over 20,000 years if known human usage of cannabis there has yet to be a single case of toxic overdose from cannabis. Yet people drink themselves to death routinely. On that basis alone it is clear that pot should NOT be regulated "Like Alcohol".) I tell you, putting your time money and effort into writing a law to make cannabis use "Legal" is NOT as useful and productive as simply removing the law itself so that there are no prohibitions. Abolish the pot law instead of re-write it.

I think that what you are proposing is just a form of legalized dealing for the rich that unfairly excludes the little guy and seeks to use the law to create a lever against smallholders and persons of color while granting enormous special privileges for the wealthy. Every state I have seen that tries to "Legalize" pot does so by starting with a "Licensing" deal where the entry fee for a license is about a million dollars. And in every one of those states the state bends over backwards to grant concessions to corporations seeking to sell and market pot while using tax money from those corporations to crack down on anybody who does NOT have a license. It is like "Legalization for the wealthy".

And in SOME states, (Like Colorado for example.) the money brought in by cannabis taxes is used to double down on busting persons of color who are deemed "Illegal". I say that all this is just playing with numbers and rules and that it is just more bullshit. A sort of "kinder gentler" form of keeping pot basically illegal while granting a special privilege to those with money. And I honestly DO NOT REALLY CARE about the guy who gets busted with a "Small Amount" because I already know that small amount came from someone who has a large amount.

After spending my entire life as an adult in the "Pot Underground", and being the biggest pot dealer in Ohio before I got busted, I am honestly prejudiced in favor of the small to middling sized pot dealer who is the vital middle link in the pot supply chain. Legalization as it affects that guy is going to really determine what ultimately happens to pot in this country.

If you build a legalization that cuts that guy out, or gives their role to someone who do not have the same knowledge and experience that the mid-level dealers provide, you will end up with a market that is designed to cater to the wealthy the privileged and the few. As a direct result, I will tell you that merely working to "re-write" the pot laws as opposed to abolishing and eliminating them, will hurt your end result. ABOLISH ALL POT LAWS NOW.

I have BEEN the fucking "Black Market" for longer than you have been alive. You can take your studies at Oaksterdam and stick them up your ass. Your proposals do NOT create a level playing field, and they amount to legalization for the rich, which is a far cry from everybody can do what they want. When you rail against the black market you are saying that you are just wanting to have the money and lifestyle of a pot dealer without the responsibility or the risk. But at the same time you fail to recognize that the stash in your pocket is there BECAUSE of that very same black market you claim to despise.

I say to you that the black market is the ONLY market, and that unless you recognize how the entire pot distribution network actually works you are just pissing in the wind and creating legalization for the rich.

 I speak from experience. I have spent my entire life in the Pot Underground, including about 10 years where I was simply put, the biggest pot dealer in Ohio. (That all ended when I got busted in ’09.) Nowadays I spend a lot of my time using my experience to talk about the real day to day realities of those in the Pot Underground and they ways that so called "Legalization" will actually HURT pot distribution schemes unless you are in the top 1%. You have not had the time, or been in the position to have had the sorts of experiences I have had, nor to gain the knowledge that I have achieved, and are just spouting off without knowing what you are talking about. You speculate endlessly about how things SHOULD be but you don’t really have the time or experience to really know. And I will close with this simple adage. "…There is NO SUCH THING as a "Good" Pot Law, and that INCLUDES your so called "Legalization"…" ABOLISH ALL POT LAWS NOW!

All you are doing is trying to corporatize pot. And the only way that can happen is by using laws and regulations to do so. And all of those government laws and regulations are completely unnecessary.

Between the American Civil War and the Great Depression there was NO FEDERAL POT LAW WHATSOEVER. And there was no national crisis regarding or involving pot at that time either. So the claim that pot laws are needed and necessary are provably false.



